Two Roses in a Jar Painting


Beautiful small oil painting of lovely, vibrant pink roses in a jar. A looser, more gestural style than a lot of my other work and shows a new direction for my art.


Beautiful oil painting of lovely, vibrant pink roses in a jar. A looser, more gestural style than a lot of my other work and shows a new direction for my art. A lovely gift for loved ones and art lovers and great for a special occasion such as a wedding, anniversary or valentines day. You can always treat yourself to brighten up a wall at home.

Painting is 25 x 20cm (HxW) on canvas board.

This item can be purchased unframed or framed in a classic dark brown/black solid wood frame.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 20 cm



Yes – Framed, No โ€“ Unframed

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